How Does the Extreme National Debt Impact the Price of Gold and Silver?

In short, an extreme national debt burdens future children and grandchildren with our debts. Imagine if you could agree to a 100 year mortgage on your house and you could then force your children and someone else's children to pay for it after you died. What would happen? Sure there would be some responsible people out there who would not add lots of debt, however many people would buy a huge house knowing that eventually someone else would be paying for it. Eventually most people would buy a huge house so as not to disadvantage their children, and afterall, someone else is paying for it. The end result would be a country and an economy that could not function - and then people would leave and go elsewhere if they were forced to pay for something from which they got no benefits. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Some specifics:

  1. Inflation. When the debt is monetized as it has been in the 2009-2011 time frame, it causes inflation.
  2. Slower growth. Inflation and a unstable dollar slows economic growth.
  3. A Weaker economy.
  4. Lower housing prices in real terms, with a weaker economy.
  5. A Weaker Dollar. Inflation weakens the dollar meaning we pay more each year.
  6. Loss of Reserve Currency status. The reserve currency status is important for everyone in the world - it means that people around the world trust that if they send the United States a dollar today, a year from now they will get nearly a dollar back, maybe $0.98 worth of value. Other countries might only return $0.90 or worse if there is a lot of inflation. The advantage is that people want to send money to the United States which means people can create new ideas and grow the economy.

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